Intermediate Logic Course
This tells how I teach an intermediate logic course using my logic textbook; you might find this useful. Of course, you don't have to do what I do; but seeing what I do may help you to think about what YOU want to do.
This gives the main text that I put into my syllabus; click here for a PDF of the actual syllabus that I give my students on the first day of class.
We'll study various systems of logic (propositional, quantificational, modal, deontic, and epistemic) and use these to analyze hundreds of arguments, many on philosophical topics like morality, free will, and the existence of God. We'll also work out a logical formalization of an ethical theory. Our text is Introduction to Logic (by Harry J. Gensler, Routledge, 2017 third edition - the Kindle version works fine too).This course presumes no previous study of logic. If you've had a previous logic course (e.g., PHIL 274), then some of the beginning material should be familiar; but we'll cover these areas more quickly.
We'll have six half-period quizzes plus a comprehensive final exam (which counts as three quizzes). Missed quizzes count as zero. If you can't take a quiz on time, contact me before the morning of the next class and we might be able to set up another time; but you can't take a quiz after I hand them back. Cheating on a quiz will earn you a grade in the F range. I will use this grading scale: A = 90s (93 or above = A, 90-92 = A-), B = 80s (87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-), C = 70s (77-79 = C+, 73-76 = C, 70-72 = C-), D = 60s (67-69 = D+, 60-66 = D), F = 50s or below.
If you're undergraduate and take the course as PHIL 301, then you needn't do a paper. To figure out your grade, then write each quiz score, write the final exam score three times, drop the lowest number, and average the others. (So your lowest quiz drops if it's lower than the final; if the final is lower than any quiz, then it counts as only two quizzes.)
If you're graduate or take the course as PHIL 444, then you must do a paper of at least eight pages on a topic that connects with logic and that I approve in advance; you are to meet with me to help plan your paper and relate it to your interests. You might, for example, take one of the Chapters 16 to 18, begin with a short summary of the chapter, and then go into a more specific topic. Chapter 16 is about history of logic, from Aristotle and traditional logic, through the emergence of classical symbolic logic in Frege and Russell, and then into recent work. Chapter 17 is about deviant logic, including multi-valued logic, paraconsistent logic, intuitionist logic, and relevance logic. Chapter 18 is about philosophy of logic, which deals with epistemological and metaphysical issues about topics like abstract entities, the justification of logical laws, the nature of truth, and the scope of logic. Or you might do something in inductive logic (Chapter 5), or you might use logical tools to analyze arguments in some area or figure that you're interested in (see the end of Chapter 4). Again, see me about topics.
If you're graduate or take the course as PHIL 444, then your paper counts as three quizzes. To figure out your grade, then write each quiz score, write the final exam score three times, write the paper score three times, drop the lowest number, and average the others. (So your lowest quiz drops if it's lower than the final and the paper; if the final is your lowest score, then it counts as only two quizzes; if your paper is the lowest score, then it counts as only two quizzes.)
You'll do much of your homework on computer using the LogiCola program. Download LogiCola from here. E-mail me your scores when you take the corresponding written test; I won't accept scores after I return the quiz. Try to do the exercises at an average level of 7 or higher (levels go from 1 to 9). Your exercise scores add a bonus or penalty to your exam score. Let's say your average level (dropping fractions) is N. You get a +1 bonus for each number N is above 7; so you get a +2 bonus if N=9. You get a -1 penalty for each number N is below 7; so you get a -3 penalty if N=4. If you fake scores, your course grade will be lowered by one grade.
You're required to attend class regularly. You can miss 5 classes without this itself hurting your grade (these 5 are for sickness, funerals, etc.). After that, each unexcused absence subtracts one point from your final course average. You can be excused for university functions. Perfect attendance will add a four point bonus to your final course average.
No use of electronic devices is allowed during class, unless you have an accommodation letter. Students seeking academic accommodations for a disability must in the first week meet with Services for Students with Disabilities (Sullivan 117) and then meet with me about accommodations.
My course has 39 class periods of 50 minutes each. Quizzes take half of a period; the other half is a regular class. This is a sample of what I give as the homework assignment for each day of the course.
August 26: Our first class (we meet MWF at 1:40 pm in Mundelein 205). Try to get our Introduction to Logic (3rd edition) textbook beforehand. Where you sit the second class will become your assigned seat.For Aug 28: Get the textbook and always bring it to class. Read the syllabus and pages 1-5 & 112-122 from the book (skip unassigned exercises). Do problems 11-20 on pages 114-115 (don't turn then in - we'll go over them in class). Install LogiCola on your computer or flash drive (see the "Downloading LogiCola" handout - installing on a Macintosh is harder). Start LogiCola and read the beginning of the help file (first item on HELP menu), down to, but not including, "Set A - Syllogistic Translations." Do LogiCola exercise C (EM & ET). This is set C (propositional translations) with the EM (Easier Multiple-choice) and ET (Easier Type-answer) settings. Don't e-mail me LogiCola scores until quiz time.
For Aug 30: Do 13-15 on page 119, 10-12 on page 120, and 3-4 on page 122. Read pages 122-133. LogiCola D (te tm th ue um uh fe fm fh).
Sep 2: No class: Labor Day.
For Sep 4: Do 5-6 on page 125, 10-15 on page 128, 1-6 on page 129, and 3-15 on page 133. Read pages 134-139. LogiCola C (HM & HT), D (AE & AM), E (S & E).
For Sep 6: Do 4-10 on page 135 and 11-20 on page 139. Read pages 139-145. LogiCola E (F & I) and F (SE & SH).
For Sep 9: Do 11-20 on page 142 and 9-16 on page 143. Read pages 146-152. LogiCola F (IE, IH, CE, & CH).
For Sep 11: Do 1-5 on pages 152-153. Read pages 154-156 and LogiCola's help-file section on "G - Propositional Proofs." LogiCola F (TE & TH) and G (EV).
Sep 11 quiz (second half of period): 2 English arguments (like LogiCola EE), 2 idiomatic arguments (like LogiCola EI), 4 symbolic arguments (like LogiCola ES), 6 S-I rules (like LogiCola F), 5 sentence translations (like LogiCola C), and 1 truth-table argument (like LogiCola DA). E-mail me your scores with the exercises done (see LogiCola Score Sheet).
For Sep 13: Do 1-6 on pages 157-158. LogiCola G (EI & EC).
For Sep 16 Do 11-12 on page 159. Read pages 161-167. Master Logicola G (EI & EC) if you haven't already.
For Sep 18: Do 1-5 on pages 168-169. Read pages 170-171. LogiCola G (HV).
For Sep 20: Do 1-7 on pages 171-172. Read pages 182-186. LogiCola G (HI HC MC). Optional reading: pages 174-181; you get a +4 bonus if on LogiCola you complete any Copi exercise and a +4 bonus if you complete any truth-tree exercise.
For Sep 23: Do 6-15 on page 186. Read pages 186-190. LogiCola H (EM & ET).
Sep 23 quiz (second half of period): four propositional proofs (two in English & two in symbols). E-mail me your LogiCola scores with these exercises done: F (TE & TH) and G (EV, EI, EC, HV, HI, HC, & MC).
For Sep 25: Do 16-25 on page 186 and 1-5 on pages 190-191. Read pages 191-197. LogiCola I (EV).
For Sep 27: Do 3-4 at the top of page 194, 1-5 on pages 194-195, and 1-7 on page 197. Read pages 198-200. LogiCola H (HM & HT) and I (EI & EC).
For Sep 30: Do 8-20 on page 198, 4-5 symbolic problems on page 200, and 1-4 English problems on pages 200-201. LogiCola I (HC & MC).
For Oct 2: Do 5-7 on page 201. Read pages 207-209.
For Oct 4: Do 8-10 on page 201 and 7-12 on page 209. Read pages 209-211. LogiCola H (IM & IT).
Oct 7: No class: fall break.
For Oct 9: Do 13-18 on page 209 and 7-10 on page 212. LogiCola I (DC).
Oct 9 quiz (second half of period): four quantificational proofs (two in English & two in symbols) and eight sentence translations. E-mail me your LogiCola scores with these exercises done: H (EM, ET, HM, HT) and I (EV, EI, EC, HC, MC).
For Oct 11: Do 1-8 on pages 212-213. Read 214-215.
For Oct 14: Do 9-14 on page 213 and 5-12 on page 216. Re-read 214-215. Read 216-219. LogiCola H (RM).
For Oct 16: Do 13-20 on page 216 and 1-13 on page 220. Re-read 216-219. Read 220-224. LogiCola H (RT).
For Oct 18: Do 14-25 on page 220 and 1-7 on page 225. LogiCola (RC & BC). Optional reading pages 227-229.
For Oct 21: Read pages 230-233.
Oct 21 quiz (second half of period): four relations-identity proofs (two in English & two in symbols) and six sentence translations. E-mail me your LogiCola scores with these exercises done: H (IM, IT, RM, RT) and I (DC, RC, BC).
For Oct 23: Do 6-16 on pages 233. Read pages 234-238. LogiCola J (BM, BT).
For Oct 25: Do 17-23 on page 233 and 1-5 (English arguments) on page 239. Read pages 241-244. LogiCola K (V).
For Oct 28: Do 24-30 on pages 233-234 and English arguments 1-5 on page 245 (being sure to do ambiguous arguments both ways). Read pages 254-256. Optional reading pages 249-253. LogiCola K (I & C).
For Oct 30: Do 6-10 on page 246 and 6-13 on pages 256. Read pages 257-259. LogiCola J (QM & QT).
For Nov 1: Do 11-14 on pages 246-247, 14-20 on pages 256-257, and 3-5 & 14-15 on pages 259-261. Optional reading pages 261-266. LogiCola KQ. (You aren't responsible for KG.)
For Nov 4: Read pages 267-268.
Nov 4 quiz (second half of period): four modal proofs (two in English & two in symbols) and seven sentence translations. E-mail me your LogiCola scores with these exercises done: J (BM, BT, QM, QT) and K (V, I, C, Q) - you aren't responsible for KG.
For Nov 6: Do 8-17 on page 269. Read pages 269-278. LogiCola L (IM & IT).
For Nov 8: Do 18-20 on page 269, 5-10 on pages 274-275, and 6-14 on page 279. Read pages 279-285. LogiCola M (I) and L (DM & DT).
For Nov 11: Do 15-20 on page 279 and 3-9 on pages 286-287. Read pages 290-297. LogiCola M (D & M).
For Nov 13: Do 12-16 on pages 287-288 and 4-10 on page 291. Re-read pages 291-297. LogiCola N (BM & BT).
For Nov 15: Do 1-5 English problems on pages 297-298. Read pages 298-301. LogiCola O (B).
Nov 15 quiz (second half of period): five imperative/deontic proofs (three in English & two in symbols) and seven sentence translations. E-mail me your LogiCola scores with these exercises done: L (IM, IT, DM, DT) and M (I, D, M).
For Nov 18: Do 1-8 on page 300 and 1-4 on page 302. Read pages 303-304. LogiCola N (WM & WT) and O (W).
For Nov 20: Do 9-16 on page 300, 5-6 on page 302, 7-17 on page 304, and 1,2,5 English arguments on page 306. Read pages 312-315. Optionally reading pages 309-311. LogiCola N (RM & RT) and O (R & M).
For Nov 22: Do 18-25 on page 304-305 and 6-8 on page 307. Read pages 315-320.
For Nov 25: Do 9-11 on page 307 (just translate 10 -- you needn't prove it). Read pages 320-333.
Nov 27 & 29: no class: Thanksgiving break.
For Dec 2: Re-read pages 320-333.
Dec 12 (Thursday) at 1-3 pm: final exam. E-mail me these 10 LogiCola scores: N (BM, BT, WM, WT, RM, & RT) and O (B, W, R, & M).
- The final exam will be 8 pages long: One page each (with 3 sentence translations, 1 symbolic proof, and 1 English proof) for propositional, quantificational, relational, modal, and deontic logic, plus two such pages for belief logic, plus 4 matching questions about the formalized ethical theory.
- I suggest you review the book explanations, book exercises, flashcards, previous tests, and class slides.
- I suggest you review these 20 LogiCola exercises: C (ET & HT), G (MC), H (ET, HT, IT, & RT), I (MC & BC), J (BT & QT), K (C & Q), L (IT & DT), M (M), N (BT, WT, & RT), and O (M).
This gives a brief sketch of each class period; I made this for my own use, but you might find it helpful. The first line gives the class number and date. The second line tells what I do in the class period, especially what pages and exercises I cover from the book; exercises in (parenthesis) were previously assigned for homework, while those in [brackets] weren't previously assigned. The third line gives the homework for the next class; this usually involves doing problems from the book (we go over these the next class - students don't turn them in), reading pages from the book (but skipping the exercises), and doing exercises from LogiCola (the computer instructional program that goes with the book).
1 - Aug 26I explain the written syllabus and give a very brief introduction to logic, propositional logic, and LogiCola. 112-14 [1-10]. I give out written copies of the syllabus and also a handout on "Downloading LogiCola." Later in the course, when appropriate, I give them written copies of the relevant flashcards and sample quizzes.
Homework: Get the textbook and always bring it to class. Read the syllabus and pages 1-5 & 112-22 from the book (skip unassigned exercises). Do problems 11-20 on pages 114-15 (don't turn in - we'll go over them in class). Install LogiCola on your computer or flash drive (see the "Download LogiCola" handout). Start LogiCola and read the beginning of the help file (first item on HELP menu), down to, but not including, "Set A - Syllogistic Translations." Do LogiCola exercise C (EM & ET). This is set C (propositional translations) with the EM (Easier Multiple-choice) and ET (Easier Type-answer) settings. You needn't e-mail me LogiCola scores until quiz time. Where you sit the second class will become your assigned seat.
2 - Aug 28
Where you sit today will be your assigned seat.
Names (pronounce, write down where are, new?). Finish LC (& sheet on this). 114-15 (11-20), 115-22.
Do 119 (13-15), 120 (10-12), 122 (3-4); read 122-33; LC D (te tm th ue um uh fe fm fh).
3 - Aug 30
LC? Anyone new? 119 (13-15), 120 (10-12), 122 (3-4); 124-25 [1-3], 126-28 [1-4], 132-33 [1-2]. Give flashcards & additional readings handout.
Do 125 (5-6), 128 (10-15), 129 (1-6), 133 (3-15); read 134-39; LC C (HM & HT), D (AE & AM), E (S & E).
Labor day: Sep 2
4 - Sep 4
LC? 125 (5-6), 128 (10-15), 129 (1-6), 133 (3-15); 134-35 [1-3], 136-39 [1-4].
Do 135 (4-10), 139 (11-20), read 139-45. LC E (F I) and F (SE SH).
5 - Sep 6
LC? 135 (4-10), 139 (11-20); 139-42 [1-4], 143 [1-4], 144-45, logic gates.
Do 142 (11-20), 143 (9-16). Read 146-52. LC F (IE IH CE CH).
6 - Sep 9
142 (11-20), 143 (9-16), 144-45, 146-52, LC Proofs.
Do 152-53 (1-5), read 154-56 and LogiCola's help-file section on "G - Propositional Proofs," F (TE TH), G (EV)
About quiz (second half of period): e-mail me scores, LC prep, sample quizzes, class slides
7 - Sep 11 Q1 PC
152-53 (1-5), 154-57 [1-2]. Give out "PHIL 444 Paper" handout.
Do 157-58 (1-6), LC G (EI, EC).
PC quiz (second half of period): 8 args (4 sym, 2 Eng, 2 idiom), 5 sent xltns, 6 S-I, and 1 t-table argument.. Write on board: 1. E-mail me your scores if you haven't already; late scores accepted only up to midnight. midnight. 2. Put name at top of test. 3. Get all the problems right. 4. This evening, I'll e-mail your quiz scores.
8 - Sep 13
157 [4] and explain LC proofs more (copy steps, etc.). 157-58 (1-6), 2 asm one on 159. Mention Copi-Trees & bonus (174-81) & grad papers.
Do 159 (11-12), read 161-67, LC master G (EI EC) if you haven't already
9 - Sep 16
159 (11-12), 161-67, 168 [1-3]
Do 168-69 (1-5), read 170-71, G (HV)
10 - Sep 18
168-69 (1-5), 170-71 [1-4]
Do 171-72 (1-7), read 182-86, G (HI HC MC), Optional reading 174-81; you get a +4 bonus if on LogiCola you complete any Copi ex and a +4 bonus if you complete any truth-tree ex
11 - Sep 20
171-72 (1-7), 182-86 [1-5]
Quiz (like half of the sample): 2 eng, 2 sym; 10 points each for xltn, v-i, proof
Get me scores. I suggest you review C & F & G (MC)
Do 6-15 on page 186, read pages 186-90, H (EM & ET).
12 - Sep 23
186 (6-15), flash cards, 186-90 [1-2]
Do 186 (16-25) and 190-91 (1-5), read 191-97, LC I (EV).
Quiz (second half of period): our propositional proofs (two in English & two in symbols). Write on board for quiz: 1. E-mail me your scores if you haven't already; late scores accepted only up to midnight. 2. Put name at top of test. 3. Get all the problems right. 4. I'll e-mail your quiz scores.
13 - Sep 25
186 (16-25), 196-97, 190-91 (1-5), 191-94 [1-2]
Do 194 (3-4 top), 194-95 (1-5), 197 (1-7), read 198-200, H (HM & HT), LC I (EI & EC).
14 - Sep 27
194 (3-4 top), 194-95 (1-5), 197 (1-7), 198-200 [1-3]. Good time to see me about papers.
Do 198 (8-20), 200 (4-5 sym), 200-201 (1-4 Eng), LC I (HC & MC)
15 - Sep 30
198 (8-20), 200 (4-5 sym), 200-201 (1-4 Eng)
Do 201 (5-7), read 207-209, optional reading 203-206.
16 - Oct 2
201 (5-7), 207-209 [1-6].
Do 201 (8-10), 209 (7-12), read 209-211, LC H (IM & IT).
17 - Oct 4
201 (8-10), 209 (7-12), 209-212 [monism intensionality 1, 3].
Do 209 (13-18), 212 (7-10), LC I (DC).
Fall break: Oct 7
18 - Oct 9 Q3 QC
209 (13-18), 212 (7-10).
HW: 212-213 (1-8), read 214-215.
QC quiz (second half of period): four proofs (two in English & two in symbols), eight translations.
19 - Oct 11
212-213 (1-8), easier relations, 214-216 [1-4], did God-Loves-Ignatius slide.
Do 213 (9-14), 216 (5-12), re-read 214-215, read 216-219, LC H (RM).
20 - Oct 14
213 (9-14), relations slides (to first every-Capulet-loves), 216 (5-12), 216-219, Some-Jesuits-Love-Everyone slide (qll).
Do 216 (13-20), 220 (1-13), re-read 216-219, read 220-224, LC H (RT).
21 - Oct 16
216 (13-20), 220 (1-13), proof slide, 220-224 [1-4 & 6], loop slides.
Do 220 (14-25), 225 (1-7). LC (RC & BC). Optional reading 227-229.
22 - Oct 18
220 (14-25), 225 (1-7), RelSlides?
Read pages 230-233 (modal)
Relational logic quiz (second half of period): 2 English and 2 symbolic proofs, plus 6 sentence translations. E-mail me your scores with these exercises done: H (IM, IT, RM, RT) and I (DC, RC, BC).
23 - Oct 21
Classical logic = prop & quant, non-classical = modal, deontic, belief, GR, deviant, etc. 230-233 [1-5].
Do 233 (6-16). Read pages 234-238. LogiCola J (BM, BT).
RC quiz (second half of period) :20: four proofs (two in English & two in symbols), six sentence translations.
24 - Oct 23
233 (6-16), 234-238 [1-5]. Return quizzes.
Do 233 (17-23), 239 (1-5), read 241-244, LC K (V).
25 - Oct 25
233 (17-23), 239 (1-5), 241-245 [1-5].
Do 233-234 (24-30), 245 (eng probs 1-5 amb), read 254-256, LC K (I & C). Optional reading 249-253.
26 - Oct 28
233-234 (24-30), 245 (1-5 english), 254-256 [1-5].
Do 246 (6-10), 256 (6-13), read 257-259, LC J (QM & QT).
27 - Oct 30
246 (6-10), 256 (6-13), 257-259 (first few).
Do 246-247 (11-14), 256-257 (14-20), 259-261 (3-5 & 14-15), LC KQ. Optional reading 261-266.
28 - Nov 1
246-247 (11-14, go fast, don't prove all), 256-257 (14-20), 259-261 (3-5 & 14-15, just translate some).
Read pages 267-268.
29 - Nov 4
267-269 [1-7].
Do 269 (8-17), read 269-278, LC L (IM & IT).
MC quiz :(second half of period): 2 eng, 2 sym arg, 7 xltn, no galactic. LC J (BM, BT, QM, QT) and K (V, I, C, Q); you aren't responsible for KG.
30 - Nov 6
269 (8-17), 269-274 [1-2-3 eng], 276-279 [1-5].
Do 269 (18-20), 274-275 (5-10), 279 (6-14), read 279-285, LC M (I) and L (DM & DT).
31 - Nov 8
269 (18-20), 274-275 (5-10), 279 (6-14), 279-286 [didn't do 4 laws, I did Eng 1-2 & no time for sym 1].
Do 279 (15-20), 286-287 (3-9), read 290-297, LC M (D & M).
32 - Nov 11
279 (15-20), 283-285 (4 laws), 286-287 (3-9), start 290-291 (1-3), 291-298.
Do 287-288 (12-16), 291 (4-10), re-read 291-297, LC N (BM & BT).
33 - Nov 13
287-288 (12-16), 291 (4-10), 291-297 [1+ symbolic (to 4 if time)].
Do 297-298 (1-5 English), read 298-301, LC O (B).
34 - Nov 15
297-298 (1-5 English), 298-301.
Do 300 (1-8) and 302 (1-4), read 303-304, LC N (WM & WT) and O (W).
DC quiz (second half of period): 2 sym, 3 eng arg, 7 xltns.
35 - Nov 18
300 (1-8), 302 (1-4), 303-304 [1-6], 305-306 [1-2 symbolic].
Do 300 (9-16), 302 (5-6), 304 (7-17), and 306 (1,2,5 English), optional reading 309-311, read 312-315, LC N (RM & RT) and O (R & M).
36 - Nov 20
300 (9-16), 302 (5-6), 304 (7-17), 306 (1,2,5 English), skip 309-311 sophisticated, few words about formalized ethics.
Do 304-305 (18-25), and 307 (6-8), read 315-320.
37 - Nov 22
304-305 (18-25), 307 (6-8), 315-320 (GR.doc stuff, thru Detra slide)
Do 307 (9-11, just translate 10), read 320-333.
38 - Nov 25
307 (9-11, just xlt 10), 315-333 (GR stuff).
Last homework: Re-read 320-333.
Thanksgiving break: Nov 27-30
39 - Dec 2
315-333 (GR Proof, Aux = my attacking Exey, the baby that cries when hearing the UM fight song):
um-song-baby Explain PHIL-301 final.
Skip: Dec 4 & 6
FINAL Dec 12 (Thursday) at 1-3 pm
1. NAME: Put at top of test.
2. LOGICOLA: If you haven't e-mailed me your scores, do so by midnight tonight (not later).
3. GRADES: I'll e-mail them by tomorrow morning.
4. VACATION: Have a great one!